Friday, May 28, 2010

Wasatch Back Do's and Don'ts

Hey Team,

Salt Lake Running Co. posted this and I thought it was interesting AND entertaining.


Wasatch Back do's and don'ts.....

■Bring a change of clothes for each leg. Store them in a Ziploc plastic bag along with gel and whatever else you need for that leg.
■Eat right after each run leg. Start with liquid recovery and then eat solids.
■Shake your tamborine…A LOT!
■Jump in the creeks to ice your legs for recovery between legs.
■Cheer on ALL your teamates.
■Bring extra food and be sure to include salty foods, PB and honey, extra water, etc.
■Pee whenever, wherever. Porta-potties are a luxury.
■Bring lots of wet wipes and hand sanitizer.
■Bring ear plugs for the group mini-sleep session between van rotations.
■Support other teams and share your goods with the desperate unlearned ones.
■Use anti-chaffing cream (bodyglide, trislide, or chamois butter will all work!)
■Bring rain gear.
■Take random candids of your teammates.
■Keep track of your splits (how fast you ran each leg).
■Let the guys change your flat tire.
■Decorate your van.
■Run fast.

■Bring only 1 CD.
■Get a flat tire coming down Avon pass (but refer to #15 above if you do).
■Be late to your hand off. This does not encourage team unity.
■Eat salad for your recovery meal.
■Forget your toothbrush.
■Take “No, you can’t park here” for an answer.
■Cut the cops off, they WILL give you a ticket.
■Back up into reflector poles.
■Honk your horn in the middle of the night.
■Open your doors at night whilst on the side of the road.
■Give Chris your Zone bars!
■Throw up in the van. That is what roll down windows are for. And this does not build team unity either.

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